Juppary Housing Programme
Improving the Lives of Many
As of August 2023, Bhagchand and his team have built nine juppary's in Bhopa Basti. A juppary is a grasshouse. These are preferable to the tent houses made of plastic and fabric remnants. Juppary building methods and materials are discussed in our blog on housing.
Bhagchand is a 'mystery' (craftsman) of these homes. He co-ordinates with local builders and various material merchants as well as utilising the villagers in casual labour and to work on their own homes. This fosters a stronger village community as everyone knows they will get a juppary eventually.
The village is looking more and more inviting and helps the well-being of the children particularly.
If you would like to visit and be involved in this building technique, please email us and donate a days labour, and to find out more.
Ariel View of building in action
Munya's family home.
Here Bhagchand has completed the skeleton structure. The woven pampass grass roof and walls will then be made and attached. Good plastic is used to cover the houses to protect them from monsoon damage.
The terrain is difficult to traverse so camel carts are used to transport the grass and women assist by carrying the stone and concrete over the sand dunes. Chai is made and children come to watch. A festival atmosphere is evident and much happiness.